Carter’s Ray of Sunshine

This story gives me chills!  As a photographer, I couldn’t have made this happen if I tried.  It is a perfect example of how the Lord sees and cares deeply about our pain and is an ever present help to give us just what we need when we need it.  May I introduce to you Brittany Richardson – one of the amazing board members who are working to develop the Children’s Park of Georgia.   This is her story:

“Ok, God… I know that was you!”CartersRayofSunshinePic

It was three days before Mother’s Day 2016 and I had had a very rough week leading up. This would be the second Mother’s Day that I would spend without my baby. My Angel baby, Carter was born into the arms of Jesus on January 7, 2015 at 36 weeks and 3 days.

Last year for Mother’s Day, everything was still fresh and I was very numb. This past Mother’s Day, I was finding myself very mad. Not necessarily mad at God (although sometimes it had crossed my mind) but mad at the fact that my son was not with me. “Why couldn’t I have our baby here to share holidays with, birthdays, share kisses and have to tuck in at night? Why would God give some people children who would never share their love and these experiences with their children? It just didn’t seem fair?”

Everywhere I went, there were Mother’s Day cards, presents, commercials, etc. There were also seven girls who were pregnant within my family and friends that were all having boys. I was ecstatic for them and also very thankful that God had blessed them with healthy babies. But, I also wanted that for myself. I wanted the feeling of being pregnant again but also hearing the baby cry after it was born.

On the Thursday before Mother’s day, I decided I had had enough and went to visit Carter after work. I needed some space and time to think about things.

When I got to the cemetery, I walked over and sat down beside him. I started to sing, “You are my Sunshine.” This is the song I sang to him when I was pregnant. I then started to pray. “Lord, please give me strength. I need you more than ever right now and I can’t do this without you. I just don’t know what to do?”

After a while of sitting and talking, I decided to get a picture with me in it and the new decorations some of my family had placed on his grave. I took my shoes off and walked to the headstone directly in front of Carter’s. I placed my shoes on the headstone and propped my phone in front of them to keep it sturdy. I set the camera timer and ran quickly back to Carter before the timer went off.

It was so bright outside that day and you could not see anything without sunglasses. When I heard the timer counting down and the dinger go off, I went back to see how the picture turned out.

When I got my phone and looked at the picture, I honestly couldn’t believe what I was seeing! I did a double-take and said out loud, “SERIOUSLY?” I looked behind me and then back at my phone. There was a beam of light shining from the Heaven’s straight down onto Carter’s headstone. I immediately began to cry and say, “Thank you Jesus! I needed this so bad…”

I knew in that very moment that everything would be ok and that God was watching out for me. He knew exactly what I needed and when I needed it. I’m pretty positive that Carter had something to do with it that day, too. He was letting his Mommy know that he was never leaving her side… and her Father wasn’t, either!”


  1. Jennifer Paire says:

    How very beautiful! I’m so thankful to have seen this today and prayers for all Moms missing their Angels!

  2. This is my amazing daughter with who I am so proud. I miss my Grandson Carter every day but know he is in a better place than we are. Good of has truly blessed my family by giving Britt & Brandon the faith and guidance to carry on knowing Carter will always be with us.

  3. What a sweet time with Carter when distance couldn’t seperate you. Thanks for helping us see God’s goodness in your life. I love you Brittany and am so proud of your desire to help other moms who know exactly how you feel and need your encouragement. You are such a blessing.

  4. Ron and Linda DeMoss says:

    Powerful story and awesome pic. My heart is broken for you and your family. I look forward to meeting Carter one day and seeing the one God is using in such a powerful way. His birth in heaven has impacted more lives on earth than we can imagine. Thanks Brittany for looking beyond your pain and grief to help others who may not know the hope and power that comes from your relationship with God. You truly are His servant and Linda and I love you all.

  5. That is a beautiful story and a message sent by God and your sweet Carter! God bless you and thank you for sharing!

  6. Tammy Martin says:

    Beautiful i’m crying it touched my heart God bless you Brittany and your family

  7. Leigh Griffeth says:

    That is an amazing story and photo. thanks for sharing ❤️

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